For high net worth individuals seeking an unparalleled blend of European charm, strategic location, and enticing incentives, Malta stands as a haven for global investors. Whether you’re from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, or the Americas, Malta offers a unique combination of security, cultural richness, and financial benefits.


The official route to Maltese citizenship through investment is known as the Maltese Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment. This pathway is tailored for individuals with an exceptionally high net worth. The programme requires investment into the following different areas:

Financial Requirements:

  • Minimum government contribution of €600,000 to the national development fund and 36 months of residency
  • Accelerated option: €750,000 contribution and proof of 12 months of residency
  • Additional €50,000 for each dependent in the application

Real Estate Commitment:

  • Allocate €700,000 towards residential real estate
  • Alternatively, commit to a rental agreement with a minimum value of €16,000 per annum
  • Maintain the arrangement for a period of five years

Philanthropic Obligation:

  • Mandatory donation of €10,000 to a registered non-governmental organization or society
  • Focus areas include philanthropy, culture, sports, science, animal welfare, or the arts

Benefits of the Programme

Visa-Free Access: Maltese citizenship offers holders the advantage of visa-free travel to 198 countries world-wide. As Malta is an EU nation, Maltese Citizenship also means freedom of movement throughout the EU and Schengen zone, enhancing global mobility for both business and leisure purposes.

Powerful Second Passport: The Maltese passport stands among the most powerful globally. It’s remarkable access to 198 countries and territories, encompasses 87.2% of destinations globally, reflecting 81.1% of the world’s wealth as measured by GDP and capturing 92.5% of international travel popularity based on the number of global visitors.

Family Inclusion: The programme allows for the inclusion of family members in the citizenship application. This includes the spouse and children under 18 as dependents. Additionally, dependent children up to the age of 25, and parents and grandparents over the age of 55, may also be included, fostering a sense of family unity and support.

Political Stability: Malta’s enduring political stability creates a secure environment that supports and safeguards your investments and lifestyle.

Work or Study in EU Countries: As a Maltese citizen, you gain the valuable opportunity to work or pursue studies in European Union (EU) countries.

Access to the Maltese Healthcare System: Enjoy access to Malta’s well-regarded healthcare system, ensuring quality medical services for you and your family.

Tax Advantages: In the first year leading up to approval of your Maltese citizenship application, you would be required to live in Malta, and therefore become a fiscal resident. Malta’s tax regime is considered attractive, so being a fiscal resident could be very beneficial for you. You only pay taxes on the money you make in Malta and the country doesn’t impose inheritance, estate, wealth or municipal taxes. Plus, Malta also has agreements with about 60 countries worldwide to avoid double taxation. Once you have obtained your citizenship, you are no longer required to reside full time in Malta, if you prefer not to, and can therefore become a tax resident elsewhere.


Luxurious Real Estate

Explore Malta’s opulent real estate offerings, ranging from historic palazzos in Valletta to contemporary seafront apartments. Whether seeking short-term stays or permanent residences, the diverse real estate market caters to individuals with refined tastes, ensuring a harmonious blend of history and modernity.

Exclusive Lifestyle Amenities

Immerse yourself in a world of luxury with access to exclusive amenities such as private beach clubs, premier golf courses, and upscale marinas. Malta’s hospitality sector is committed to elevating every facet of your lifestyle, providing sophistication and elegance at every turn.

Culinary Extravaganza

Embark on a culinary journey in Malta, where traditional Maltese dishes harmonize with international gastronomy. From waterfront fine dining establishments to charming village bistros, Malta’s culinary scene promises a delightful experience for discerning connoisseurs, adding a touch of gourmet excellence to your elite lifestyle.

Idyllic Climate

Enjoy the Mediterranean climate that graces Malta, characterized by mild winters and hot, dry summers. With over 300 days of sunshine annually, Malta offers a year-round outdoor lifestyle. The temperate weather creates the perfect backdrop for leisurely walks along the coast, al fresco dining, and basking in the splendor of Malta’s picturesque landscapes. Whether it’s the refreshing sea breeze or the warmth of the sun, Malta’s climate contributes to the overall appeal of this enchanting Mediterranean destination.

Strategic European Position

Benefit from Malta’s strategic location in Europe, making it effortlessly accessible to neighboring countries such as Italy and Greece. Positioned at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Malta serves as a gateway to explore the cultural richness of Europe. Whether indulging in a weekend getaway to the historic sites of Rome or the serene beaches of Mykonos, Malta’s proximity to European treasures enhances the convenience and allure of your elite lifestyle. And of course, holding Maltese Citizenship will mean that you do not need to apply for any visa’s to visit your neighbouring EU countries.

Cultural and Historical Hotspots

Immerse yourself in Malta’s rich cultural tapestry and historical landmarks. Explore the UNESCO World Heritage site of Valletta, a city with a history dating back to the 16th century. Visit the ancient megalithic temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, marveling at structures older than the pyramids. Delve into the medieval charm of Mdina, known as the Silent City, and experience the vibrant cultural events and festivals that celebrate Malta’s heritage. With a plethora of museums, art galleries, and historical sites, Malta offers a living tapestry of the past that adds depth and character to your elite lifestyle.

Quality of Life and Healthy living

Revel in a high quality of life in Malta, where the Mediterranean lifestyle promotes well-being. The Mediterranean diet, renowned for its health benefits, becomes a daily indulgence, with fresh and locally sourced produce. Enjoy the stress-relieving effects of the azure sea and the island’s serene atmosphere. Malta’s commitment to healthcare ensures access to excellent medical facilities, contributing to a holistic approach to well-being. The Maltese lifestyle is centred around wellness and vitality.

Maltese Cost of Living

Experience a cost-effective lifestyle in Malta. The cost of general amenities such as groceries, transport and utilities is comparable to other Southern European destinations. The average price per square meter to buy an apartment in the city center is €3,591.62 per M2, while outside the center, it is €2,928.22. Keep in mind that high-end luxury properties in prestigious location will incur higher costs. Enjoy dining out with an approximate cost of €70 for a three-course meal for two in a mid-range restaurant. Malta provides a luxurious living experience without compromising financial sensibility, offering an ideal balance for those seeking opulence with fiscal prudence.

Top Tier Education

Malta boasts reputable international schools offering a high-quality education. The multicultural environment ensures your children receive a well-rounded education while embracing diversity. Since Malta is a bilingual country, English and Maltese are spoken at the schools, providing students with a comprehensive language experience, enriching the educational landscape. Public school is free for residents and citizens. Alternatively, the country also has a number of highly regarded private and international schools to choose from.


Business Opportunities and Financial Services

Malta provides diverse business opportunities, particularly in finance, real estate, and technology. The government’s pro-business stance and a robust financial sector cater to the needs of high net worth individuals.

Environmental Stewardship

Malta’s commitment to environmental sustainability ensures the preservation of its natural beauty. The island’s efforts to protect its coastlines, historical sites, and marine life align with the values of those passionate about conservation.

Community and Inclusivity

Becoming a resident of Malta means joining a welcoming and diverse community. Local warmth combined with an expatriate network creates an atmosphere of belonging, with community events and social clubs fostering connections.

With its rich history, strategic advantages, and commitment to excellence, Malta stands as a dream destination for the discerning global investor. For more details on Malta’s Citizenship and Residency by Investment options, please contact La Vida’s experts for your free consultation.

Tags: golden visa guides, malta

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