A surge of High Net Worth US investors are laying the groundwork for shifting their residency and potential citizenship ahead of the November elections. La Vida has reported a significant increase in interest from American clients, with initial enquiries doubling in the last two months alone as individuals and families seek to secure their futures in uncertain times.

Typical Reasons US Citizens EnquirE About Golden Visas

According to La Vida’s recent industry survey, “Plan B” security and contingency planning tops the list of reasons for US citizens to enquire about Golden Visas. Nearly 59% of respondents highlighted this as their primary concern. Relocation is the second most common reason, with 26.40% of respondents considering it. Enhanced travel mobility is also a factor, with 11.70% valuing the freedom that comes with holding a Golden Visa. Taxation advantages, though the least cited reason at 2.90%, still play a role in decision-making. Escaping US taxation means relinquishing US citizenship. Gaining a second citizenship is often the first step on the path to lower taxation and residency elsewhere.

Preferred Regions for Golden Visas

La Vida’s survey also indicated that Europe is the most desired region for Golden Visas among American clients, with 76% expressing a preference for this area. Another 23% showed interest in the Caribbean, while only 1% were inclined towards South America. This preference underscores Europe’s appeal due to its stability, robust infrastructure, and high quality of life. Portugal’s Golden Visa programme remains popular among US clients, but since the real estate option closed in 2023 and the cost nearly doubled to €500,000, many investors are now turning their attention to more affordable programmes, such as Antigua, where we have also seen a rise in popularity over the recent year with US investors.

US Attraction to the Caribbean

Many US clients are drawn to the Caribbean due to its close proximity and the benefits of Caribbean passports, which come with visa-free travel to Europe and the UK. For those not seeking to live full-time in Europe but desiring greater travel flexibility, this advantage reduces the need for an actual EU residency permit, making Caribbean citizenship a more attractive and cost-effective alternative to Europe.

Increase in Golden Visa Website Traffic

In addition to these results, La Vida’s web statistics show a dramatic increase in initial enquiries from clients. In April, approximately 4,300 US clients were visiting our website each week. By the first week of July, this number had surged to 8,500 weekly visitors. This doubling in website traffic indicates the rising interest among Americans looking at securing Golden Visas in response to current political and global uncertainties.

Common Client Concerns Driving Interest

According to recent conversations that our consultants have had with various US clients, numerous concerns are driving their interest. One investor from Washington mentioned fears about the growing rate of US gun crimes. A Democrat supporter from California is exploring a “Plan B” due to concerns that the Republicans are likely to win the next election. Other reasons cited in recent months include worries about US inflation, the economy, and the potential impact on US-Russia relations if Trump wins the election. Whatever your geopolitical concerns, a “Plan B” residency permit or second citizenship through investment is a valuable tool in uncertain times.

For more information on your options, please contact our experts for a personalised consultation.

Tags: antigua, citizenship by investment 2024, golden visa 2024, Portugal Golden Visa News, USA

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